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If you need funding than expect following questions!!

1. Are you the owner of the company? (If no, the owner with the greatest percentage of ownership should be the one completing this form, investors will want to communicate with that person)

2. What percentage of the company do you own? (If there are other owners, mention each owner and their corresponding ownership percentages so that your answer adds up to one hundred percent ownership)

3. What is the formal operating corporate name of your business?

4. Is your company publicly or privately held?

5. Are you aware that you are expected to pay due diligence fees which cover the cost of the investors’ investigative work, and that these variable fees are after a call with an investor, after a non-disclosure agreement and letter of engagement are signed by all, and due before closing, before investors hire accountants, attorneys and industry experts to conduct due diligence for your project?

6. Within which country is your corporate headquarters?

7. What industry is your company within?

8. Please provide your company’s full name, full address, and hyperlink for your web site address

9. Do you have any contractual deadline requirements for funding your project? (If yes, include day, month & year.)

10. How much money (an exact dollar amount) do you seek in U.S. Dollars?

11.  What is your desired type of funding (debt, equity, or debt + equity)?

12.  Itemize your usage of requested funds; place dollar amounts next to each budgeted expense, your total MUST match the dollar amount requested.

13. Is your company pre revenue or existing (with financial statements)?

14. What are you offering as collateral (cash & other assets) that you currently own?

15.  Describe your business, every current and budgeted source of revenue, label which are current and which are budgeted.

16.  Describe all owners, executives, management & their skills creating revenue, managing cash, and creating profit.

17. Are there any liens that need to be paid at closing?

18. Does your company have any outstanding loans? If yes, are any of these loans in default? What is the dollar amounts owed on ALL outstanding loans? How many companies do you own?

19. Are there any credit related issues related to the principals (such as bankruptcy, law suit, divorce)?

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