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The 5-Step Strategy for a Fool-Proof Mobile Marketing Campaign

By  | on Jul 25, 2013 | 1 Comment
Macy’s ‘Backstage Pass’ campaign is a good example of an engaging mobile marketing campaign

How can you craft the perfect mobile marketing campaign?  Read on to find out.

Planning and executing a mobile marketing campaign is not as difficult as you think it is. All you need to remember is that this isn’t just another marketing campaign, because here everything is done on a platform that is still under-explored: mobile.  This is why creating a great mobile marketing campaign means truly understanding what the potential of mobile is (and what it’s restrictions are). But more importantly, one needs to know exactly how most people engage on a mobile platform. By following the five step-plan given below, you will be well on your way towards creating a fool-proof mobile marketing campaign.
  1. Attract: The first thing to remember is that you need your mobile marketing campaign to attract your potential customers’ attention. What this means is that you can’t simply have a template campaign and expect it to work. Remember that your product is unique, and therefore any marketing campaign you use should be unique as well. You need to have what is known as a ‘hook’ – something that will make your customers stop and pay attention. Macy’s QR codes placed in the middle of its iconic red star as part of its ‘Backstage Pass’ campaign are a great example of this, as they are eye-catching and consistent with Macy’s branding.
  2. Engage: Once you’ve got your customer’s interest, you need to make sure that you engage with them in a meaningful manner.  Give them an action to perform, such as clicking on a button or scanning a QR code. You need to have a compelling enough mobile call-to-action at this point to bring your customers into the next step of your mobile marketing campaign.
  3. Hold:  After you have got your customers to engage with your campaign, you need to hold their attention. There are various ways of doing this; one successful method would be to usegamification and play up to your consumers’ competitive instincts. Make them an offer they can’t refuse and challenge them. Another good idea to implement here would be share information that they perceive as being useful. Once again, Macy’s QR code campaign provides a good example. By giving its customers access to videos which contained advice from  fashion industry stalwarts like Michael Kors and Karl Lagerfeld, the department store chain was offering real value.
  4. Communicate: This is the part where many brands tend to falter. Remember to open up communication with your consumers, and ensure that it’s a two-way communication. So while you can tell them all about your product, be prepared to hear back from your customers as well.  Communication is an important part of any relationship, including that between a brand and its customers. By maintaining an open and communicative relationship with customers, brands can ensure that they are giving customers exactly what they want. This is particularly crucial on the mobile platform, because it is intimate and privacy is highly valued . Take one misguided step and you could face your customers’ wrath for breach of privacy.
  5. Reward:  Always, always make your customers feel good about their relationship with you. This includes rewarding them for staying loyal to you. By using tools like mobile coupons or mobile loyalty programs, brands can ensure that their customers stay happy and loyal.

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