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Business Services Ventures2b

Market study & investment planning

The basis of your business assessment and investment plan is a sound business plan, based on market analysis, production environment, trends, necessary investments, legal and fiscal regulations and incentives, management structure, and financial projections (balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow).

Ventures2b can assist you in making the right choices by conducting sector and market analysis, and by developing a full bankable business plan, which is not only the basis for your own decisions, but also for most financing and subsidy applications.

In addition to business plan development, we can assist clients to find reliable business partners, identify trusted hardware suppliers, develop a branding and marketing strategy, and to identify clients or distributors for your products.

Matchmaking and partnership building

Experience proves that the the partnership is the most important factor determining success of failure. An experienced partner may be too busy running his own business and lack man power to focus on the new joint venture, unexpected financial liquidity constraints may put tension on the cash flow, or cultural differences can cause the business not to succeed, just to mention a few risks that we can timely identify.

Ventures2b can pre-select and screen business partners, investors, suppliers or distributors and arrange further due diligence. Ventures2b has a structured approach towards reach mutual agreements, including role and obligations of the partners, division of shareholding and voting rights, conflict resolution, destination of profits, and other issues any of the partners bring in. Once these key business points have been established and signed, a legal expert will draft the terms of association and joint venture agreement.


• Investment funds focusing on emerging markets

• International development banks (World Bank, EBRD, ADB, etc)providing loans, equity and mezzanine financing)

• Private investors (venture capital and equity)

• Loans from your own and local banks

For each investment plan, we carefully assess the possibilities and provide you with a tailor made proposal. Of course, where possible, we also look for alternatives in case the first option proves not feasible.

Management support

Once your business plan has been approved by the partners and finance has been secured, Ventures2b can provide valuable assistance during the investment phase and start-up.

As an independent partner, or even as a minority shareholder, we can:

• Assist the company in project management and reporting towards financing agencies and investors.

• help you to select trusted hardware suppliers, legal advisors and accountants,

• guide you through business registration and local bureaucracy

• Share experiences from other start-ups in the country.

Advisory Fee:

Subsequently we agree on a precise planning and terms of assignment, where possible on a result basis: if the agreed result is not obtained, there are no further costs (although we charge an initial commitment fee for out-of-pocket expenses and to buy lunch). Full transparency with no hidden costs for travel or other expenses. When the result is obtained, we charge an agreed success fee. With relatively low overhead costs and above-average success rates, our fees are highly competitive.

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